Carl's World Cup Diary

vendredi 13 juin 2014

Our mate Carl, who is also Sandowneagle on here, is going to be at the World Cup and has kindly agreed to write a diary for Five Year Plan. His writing is brilliantly personal and highly entertaining. As he'll be attending quite a few games, it'll be worth keeping an eye on as the tournament progresses.

I'll post updates on this thread whenever he provides them to us. His first installment is up on our site.


I can't ever remember a World Cup with as much coverage before a ball has been kicked as this one. Four years ago, a BBC Panorama informing us that anybody who dared set foot in South Africa would be coming home in a body bag was the extent of the build up. Over the last 4 weeks, prime time tv has shown us that Beckham can ride a motorbike through the Amazon, we've seen Lineker interview Ronaldo, no, not that one, the super-sized Brazilian one and numerous features from beachside cafés on Copacabana. The increased TV coverage, the radio shows being hosted from Brazil & the newspaper pull outs have created World Cup fever sweeping the UK. I've definitely caught a bit of it & my adventure starts in Lisbon, a gateway to Manaus...

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